Monday, November 12, 2007

The Raley's circa 1965

This was taken when I was nine. That's my dad on the lower right and his siblings. His mom in the middle (granny). Can you imagine how old she must have been for me at the age of nine?
To her left is a uncle Charles who lost his wife in a car accident in 1970. Aunt Bette in back. I never heard another woman swear as much as she did. I mean, holy cow. Uncle Wilbur in the back right. About 6'3". My dad was 5'7" damn it. I never really knew these people although Wilbur's wife got to meet her namesake, my daughter, before she died. They all grew up amongst the tobacco and hemp fields of Kentucky. Pretty well, I heard. I know my grandmother was an absolutely captivating, beautiful woman. In the pictures I've seen, it's a Katharine Ross in "Butch Cassidy" look.One of the people used to greet me by twisting my nipples. Ya want to really piss off nine year old? That'll do it. Anyway, I have an older brother and sister who will be in their eighties soon. Hard to believe.

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