KSCR-United Township High School, East Moline Illinois-1973
That's me behind the mic stand
Yeah, me and that John Denver thing goin on.
That's how long this thing's been in my blood.
35 years ago? Damn
Hey Eliot, karma's a bitch, huh? I don't mean to belittle anyone, but are you kidding me? He spent $4300 on an "escort"? Nice job. You have a beautiful wife, three gorgeous daughters (one who is getting ready to graduate from high school and go off to college) and you throw it all away?
What the hell is wrong with guys like you anyway?
As a friend of a guy who lost his job through the bulldog hypocritical action of the great guv, I think I speak for a number of my radio brethren who say, screw you. I hope your wife leaves you.
What an idiot to cheat on this.
NEW YORK Gov. ELIOT SPITZER -- the man who as State Attorney General magnified payola allegations to the point where the labels and radio had to settle to the tune of many millions of dollars, and many lost their jobs as a result of the allegations -- is facing some karmic justice of his own today. After revelations of his involvement in a prostitution ring was reported in TODAY's NEW YORK TIMES, SPITZER abruptly scheduled a press conference this afternoon to deal with the allegations.
The local CBS-TV affiliate is now reporting that "SPITZER was not expected to continue as governor and may resign by MONDAY evening...Reliable sources told CBS 2 Political Reporter MARCIA KRAMER that Lt. Gov. DAVID PATERSON could be sworn in as governor as early as 7p MONDAY."
SPITZER did not mention his resignation in his statement to the press, in which he said: "I have acted in a way that violated the obligations to my family and that violates my -- or any -- sense of right and wrong. I apologize first, and most importantly, to my family. I apologize to the public whom I promised better. I do not believe politics in the long run is about individuals. It is about ideas, the public good and doing what is best for the State of NEW YORK. I am disappointed that I failed to live up to the standard that I expect of myself. I must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family. I will not be taking questions. Thank you very much. I will report back to you in short order. Thank you very much."
According to THE TIMES, SPITZER was identified in court papers as a client in a prostitution ring. "The governor’s travel records show that he was in WASHINGTON in mid-FEBRUARY," the story asserted. "One of the clients described in court papers arranged to meet with a prostitute who was part of the ring, the EMPERORS CLUB VIP on the night of FEB. 13th."
Number 9 ... Number 9 ... Number 9....
Predictably, the press has feasted on this story like school of piranhas on a bleeding cow. WNBC.com reports that "According to a law enforcement source close to the investigation, the Democratic governor used the alias "GEORGE FOX" when meeting with a prostitute. His alleged conversations with the prostitution ring are detailed in court papers in which SPITZER is identified as "Client 9," according to a source.
APNEWS reports that "The client paid $4,300 in cash to the service, with some being used for the encounter and the rest apparently to be used for credit. When discussing how the payments would be arranged, Client 9 allegedly told [defendant TEMEKA RACHELLE] LEWIS: 'Yup, same as in the past, no question about it,' suggesting it was a routine exchange."
ABCNEWS.COM reports that "As recently as this past VALENTINE'S DAY, FEB. 13, SPITZER, who officials say is identified in a federal complaint as "Client 9," arranged for a prostitute "KRISTEN" to meet him in WASHINGTON, D.C. The woman met Client 9 at the MAYFLOWER HOTEL, room 871, 'for her tryst,' according to the complaint. Client 9 also is alleged to have paid for the woman's train tickets, cab fare, mini bar and room service, travel time and hotel ... Prosecutors reportedly have a series of e-mails and wiretapped phone conversations of SPITZER."
In December, while shooting a video on how to play golf Tripp (I even hate his name) got into a pissing match with a red tailed hawk who had the audacity to interrupt him while he was driving.
You know, I hate professsional golfers. Pissy, prissy prima donnas rule the sport. You can't talk, whisper or distract them in anyway. Anyway, the red tailed hawk violated that rule so Tripp thought he'd launch a few drives his way and wouldn't you know, nailed the hawk for his dastardly sins. Tripp killed it with a driven ball. He hit it so hard it caused the hawk to bleed out it's nostrils. He then laughed about it. Aint no laughing matter to kill an endangered migratory bird. I admire his driving skills but me thinks this might not turn out so well for Tripp. What am I thinking? Tripp will get the finest lawyers money can buy, and he'll get off with a slap on the wrist because he's a golfer and we know golfers rule the world.
I think it's time for a Tripp on the karma train.