Saturday, August 04, 2007

Good Night

I bid you good night with a glorious sight, one that should go into the God the painter category. An albino peacock. Looks like a snowflake.

They Could Have Been Beatles Songs

I was washing the car today (while sweating) and I came across a song on the Ipod that got me thinking about Beatles songs not done by The Beatles. Songs that sound just like The Beatles but aren't... Tears For Fears-"Sowing The Seeds of Love" This is a well intended blatant rip off of the mid period Beatles stuff, all the way down to the french horns in the chorus. With the "A Day in The Life" trippiness pervasive in this sound, I enjoy the tribute and like this song.

Beatle level 4

ELO (good)-Mr. Blue Sky. Maybe it's me but I think this song is a loving tribute by a guy who stated that he always wanted to be John Lennon. I think this song was at the writing and performing peak of this band. How about an alarm clock in the song? Sure, here is a perfect place. Not plagarism but paraphrasing the Beatles' sound to almost perfection.
Beatle level 4.5

ELO (bad)-Don't Bring Me Down. I hate this song, It think it's plagarism from a guy who should know better. I don't know why but this tune rubbed me the wrong way everytime I heard(or played)it. It was the first time in the career that ELO didn't use strings on a song.

Beatle level 2

Raspberries-Go All The Way The first time I heard this on the AM radio, I just knew this was what we had all been waiting for, the return of the fab four. But alas, the DJ told me it was "The Raspberries" wha? Whatever, it sounded great in the summer of my 16th year.
Beatle level 4
Badfinger- "Day After Day" This is cheating.
Beatle level 5Klaatu-"Sub Rosa Subway" Again, this had to be them, right? The hoax of 1977. Silence from the record companies about this group. Could it be? Nah, it's just a cheap imitation. Catchy stuff but minus two stars for trying to deceive the radio guys. Not good karma.
Beatle level 1.5

Utopia-"Deface The Music" Everything on here sounds like the Beatles, this is a masterpiece. Have a few listens here. His ultimate tribute.

Beatle level 4.25

Cheap Trick-"Voices" Just about everything these guys did expressed their love for the fab four, this one in particular. As good as these guys got, and they got good.

Beatle level 3.75

Sweaty Randy

I am not sure what has happened, but lately, I am sweating like a bear. Whenever I play basketball anymore, every nano-micro-inch of my clothes including socks and shoes are wet. Washed my car today, sweat like a pig. Cleaned out the inside of my car, sweat like a muhfugga.
Went shopping, sweat. Walk from where I park the car to KMOX at 8am every morning, sweating bullets. I know my body thermosat is working pretty well, it just must go into overdrive when it gets this hot. Temperatures in the upper nineties all week.


I found my old 1981 model Sony Trinitron 13" TV the other day, plugged it in, got snow and nothing else. This TV is as much a part of my past as I can think. It's been a good friend and also been used as a projectile during a heated discussion. I know it would be cheaper and easier just to go out and buy a new one. Can we have attachments to inatimate objects? At one time, it had the best picture around and it really came in handy when I lived in Denver. I called a TV repairman the other day, he said he would drop by and work on it, never heard a word from him since. Maybe the TV is junxed.

Friday, August 03, 2007

"It's Just A Flesh Wound!!"

Uh, no, I don't think a helmet would've helped, that's just me, though.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Way to Go, Sheriff Judd

As reported earlier this week, some dirtbag who got pulled over in a routine traffic stop in Florida ended up 'executing' the deputy who stopped him. The deputy was shot eight times, including once behind his right ear at close range.Another deputy was wounded and a police dog killed. A statewide manhunt ensued. The low-life was found hiding in a wooded area with his gun. SWAT team officers fired and hit the guy 68 times.Now here's the kicker:Naturally, the media asked why they shot him 68 times. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, told the Orlando Sentinel - 'That's all the bullets we had.'

Very thought provoking

I remember when we only had one channel..on a good night.The Stranger.....
A few years after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small Misssouri town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on. As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mom taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But the stranger...he was our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies. If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future! He took my family to the first major league ball game He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind. Sometimes, Mom would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.) Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home. Not from us, our friends or any visitors. Our longtime visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush. My Dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol. But the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly a! nd pipes distinguished. He talked freely (much too freely!) about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing. I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked... And NEVER asked to leave. More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. Still, if you could walk into my parents' den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures. His name?....

We just call him, "TV."

He has a wife now....We call her "Computer."

Note: This should be required reading for every household in America!

Is That Pamela Anderson?

My Lap Top's Wallpaper

My two grandkids. Ain't life grand?

God The Painter Volume 8

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Goodbye, My Friend

Yeah, I know we never met but you were such a part of my life. Working the night shift in radio in the 70s and early 80s as I did, you made my nights. So many things you would say, so many funny lines. More than once (wayyy more), I stole your stuff. I even made it on to your show on the phones, more than once. You were the nightcap to my days. You were, my friend, the Frank Sinatra of interviewers. You never got flustered, never failed to keep control of an interview. You taught me how to control the conversation. I never saw anyone talk about losing their dog in a way you did, years later after losing a 14 year old English Shepard, I vividly remember that show. Thanks so much for everything, my friend. If I smoked, I'd have a cigarette for you (you know, I am sure by this time, that's what killed you). and if I drank, I'd have a colortini for you, too. You asked the questions that needed to be asked and took no bullshit for answers. Yeah, I never met you but, indeed I did. How can you not invite a guy over to your house for a decade and not know him? I think there is a whole generation that knew you. Indeed, Indeed. Have nice long walk with your dog. If God ever would ask for someone to interview him, I think your name would be at the top of the list. Good job, Tom. Good job! :
One of my favorite Tom Snyder quotes is about death. He said people always say when speaking about the possibility of someone dying “God forbid. And do you now what ? He never does.”
Here's a great link about Tom.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

Three weeks from today, the kid moves away. Today was day one of the "big shop". So far, so good. Foundation strong, looking for cracks. I sometimes think that may be I should start a support group for Dads who dread this kind of thing in the fall. By talking around, a number of guys didn't know what to do when their youngest daughters left for college. One dad from the Notre Dame clan said he got so depressed, he could hardly work. You know, us guys aren't supposed to feel shit like this. Keep walkin, keep walkin..but sometimes we just may need a break from the slog just to sit and talk and see what and how we are doing. I am not sure if moms and son's feel this way, but dog gone it, these girls are our babies and it stings.

One of my nearest and dearest friends in town tonight from Kansas City for the "High School Reunion" show at The Scottrade tonight. I got him tickets when "The New Cars" were still on the bill, but somehow got double billed with a gig in New Hampshire (WTF?). It's Gin Blossoms, Stray Cats, Pretenders and double Z. I first saw ZZ Top in 1973 with Skynyrd opening the show. (More about that later) The Pretenders opened for the Keith Moonless Who at Kemper in 1980. When they first came out, we thought she was a he. They blew the Who off the stage that night. Exceptional chops and I have been fan since ("Middle of The Road" kicks ass) that night. Stray Cats ought to be fun, Brian Setzer is about as good as it gets. Gin Blossoms are a fine band. We will regale and be merry over steaks, potatoes and sweet corn and then off to the show, they go.
I am jealous of a co-worker. He has a phone that will allow him to import mp3s as ring tones. While watching the video on WLS the other day (not on company time) we came to the point where the WLS jingle was played and he had a great idea. So, after a little help here and there, he has a ring tone that says "da-da-da music radio doubleyou el ess..chicago" everytime he gets a call. It sounds great, the bum. I can't do that with mine, just download tones from the web. The bum.

One Man's Opinion

Oh, Betty, I wish I could but I can't...yeah, you're pretty and all that....and damn, you can shake that thang, but when Etta screams "At Last"...
Veronica is the one that curls my toes. No offense, Betty. You're "Cute" look at that..she's got it all. Nice curves, dark hair, great smile, hot curves and just the perfect specimen. Speaking of perfect, the woman to the right is Erin Burnett and if Veronica was ever to be played in a movie, it would have to be played by her. Damn, now that's hot!!

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