Sunday, May 13, 2007

What An Incredible Job

Here is the video of a guy who has an incredible job. This incredible video clip -- I don't know where it's from, or when? -- documents the everyday work of a man whose job is to maintain and repair high-voltage overhead power lines.
He is transported to those lines by flying on top of a helicopter, and he crawls around on the lines with some special gear. Without that gear, he'd fry.
He wears a fire-retardant "hot suit" made in part from metal threads, so the garment functions as a Faraday Cage.
"A half a million volts pass around my body but I can work without interference from electricity," he says in the video. "There's such a hunger for electricity these days, nobody wants to take lines out of service to maintain them."
And I thought my job was tough.

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