Sunday, September 03, 2006


Why are drug companies advertising things that we can't buy without a prescription? Advodart is a prescription drug for enlarged prostrates. Of course, all over the commercial, there are pictures of water. Now, I ask you, if I had this condition, should I walk into my doctors office and say..."hey, doc, how bout a script for advodart, I saw it on TV?" Would he then say, ..."OK, ya go?"
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am nor sure what drug company it's for, but why is there a bee promoting the product and why does that bee speak with a spanish accent? And why are the people in the commercial not real people, they look like characters out of Toy Story?
Why have I had the same dream for over thirty years? The dream that starts with me being happy to be in a new radio station and the all hell breaks loose when I can't find the records (yep, they are still records) in time to make the next segue? I had it again last night.
What ever happened to common ground in this country? Why is it that if I disagree with you on one point, you think I disagree with you on everything? How can a person be pro life but then again believe in the death penalty?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why do I enjoy college football so much? Hell, these are my kids playing. My son knows Brady Quinn (QB at Notre Dame) and now, vicariously, I am a fan. Rooting for Notre Dame takes me back to the days of Ara Paseghian and the voice of Chris Schenkel and Lindsey Nelson.

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