Thursday, September 07, 2006

Not again....

I hate really, I hate hospitals. The smell, the sounds. My dad died in a hospital 29 years ago yesterday. My mom died in a hospital. The smell makes me vomit. On Monday at 7:30am, I get cut on again. Shit. Apparently, I have a growth on the inside of my esophogus that needs to come out. Piss, damn, shit. The next thing you know I'll have more scars than this dude....

They may have to cut open my neck, fuck with my vocal chords (oh great) and remove it. Or just stick a long pair of scissors down my throat and cut it out. Whatever. This HAS to have been the worst friggin damn summer ever. Hopefully, it's just a growth and nothing more. The way this summer has been.....

1 comment:

Ken Dillon said...

My thoughts and prayers with ya, Randy.

You have a lor of good karma due to you...and it should be coming your way.

They say things happen for a reason. I often toss the bullshit flag on that one, but I KNOW there is a plan there, somewhere. I've seen miracles happen before.

I'll be thinking of ya, Brother.

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