Saturday, August 26, 2006

No Pity Party

I have a great life, filled with great friends, and a healthy family. That makes me better off than 99.7% of the world's population. There is no doubt. I just don't like what has happened this summer and how I have been treated by prospective employers. Being treated rudely is par for the course when it comes to radio people. Program directors are known for ignoring people who come to them in need of a job that they have posted. I have sent out probably 25 resumes and auditions this summer, and have recieved a reply on 3. The "coin flip" and two rejection letters. Even out of the radio business, however, I find most HR people and personnel departments are less civil and downright rude sometimes. I applied for a job at Balke/Brown here in St. Louis for a position that I thought I was qualified for and received a response that was basically..."who the hell do you think you are for applying for THIS job?" Just rude. I hope that someday, the cosmic tumblers of the karma Master lock gets turned and the shoe is on the other foot. I will keep fighting....


Ken Dillon said...

The best always come out on top---eventually.

You are ranked even higher than that 99.7% you mentioned, at least in my book, and while I know THAT doesn't count for much, I have all the Faith in the world in you. Always have, always will.

I wish there was something...anything...I could do to help, but I know it will all work out for you.

Stay strong, Brother.

Ken Dillon said...

The best always come out on top---eventually.

You are ranked even higher than that 99.7% you mentioned, at least in my book, and while I know THAT doesn't count for much, I have all the Faith in the world in you. Always have, always will.

I wish there was something...anything...I could do to help, but I know it will all work out for you.

Stay strong, Brother.

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