Friday, April 14, 2006

Random Stuff

April 14th is way too early for the air conditioning. In order to have peace in the family, that is what is up on this day. I am usually pissed if it is turned on before June but with temps in the 90s today, I will try and make peace with the other people that live here.

The boy is back for Easter. He said last night that he will be away most of the summer and he is going to three away games for the Irish. He and his friends are going to Atlanta for the Georgia Tech game, Lansing for Michigan State and LA for the SoCal game. Notre Dame has a shot at a national championship next year. After all the $$ we have sent that school, that's the least they can do.

I remember my dad saying to save at least 10% of what you earn. A "rainy day fund", he called it. After sending two through college, I will have nothing left. Nothing. It sure goes fast. In five years (after the last one gets through), I will have nothing. Nothing. Zilch. Retirement? Me? Ha!

The job search has been very interesting. A number of bites from out of town, but something I interviewed for yesterday may be very cool. Something I have always wanted to do. I won't say what or where, but stay tuned...

It's Easter in St. Louis. They are having the Kirkwood Police direct traffic in front of the Honeybaked Ham store on Manchester Road. Busy trafficway anyway and when you have hundreds of blue haired women getting thier hams, it can only lead to riots and general mayhem.

My yard sucks. I remember many years ago, my father burned our yard. Set it on fire. I asked him why and he said "crabgrass". Shit, I would set the whole thing ablaze this year if I could. I not only have crabgrass but the clover shit that no one else has in my neighborhood. I have sprayed it once and this weekend will give it another dose. Maybe I could burn my yard at night...

1 comment:

Max said...

I cranked on the A/C last night mainly cause I didn't want to listen to my wife complain about being hot. I know she is in the dawning days of menopause so I placate her with requests that will leave the budget severely depleated.


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