From The Rearview Mirror
"true wisdom only comes from pain"
Sunday, December 01, 2024
happy Anniversary Baby
December 1 1969, the United States military institutes the first draft lottery since WWII.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Thanksgiving 1979
The house in Waldo. I shared this house with the two guys who ran the local haunted house. One of the very first remotes I ever did in KC was Friday night at the Main Street morgue.
I made friends with John Peruca and Steve Koppel right off the bat. I was absolutely flabbergasted how many people were waiting in line to go through the house. I moved to KC in mid September so, I was very new to the place. I was living in a very nice but very drab apartment on JC Nichols Parkway. I got that apartment where I did, due to the gas shortage. It was right on the bus line and if necessary I could take the bus to work. The first remote in the big city at the haunted house was stunning. I showed up early as I normally do. It was such a mind fuck as I was immediately hailed as some hero. "The new guy, the new guy..." they kept shouting. This wasn't Moline anymore, kiddo.
After a couple of Friday nights at the Morgue, we became friends and they were looking to get a place together. These guys worked their ass off from August to November and would make enough cash to not have to work the rest of the year. We chatted about it and decided we would all move in together. Oh boy. The house in Waldo was right next door to the two houses. I mean RIGHT next door and that house was right next door etc.
Things were going well, the guys were working, I did their remotes and the drugs flowed freely. The most pure cocaine I've ever done happened at that house. It was so pure, it floated down to the mirror. Incredible. There came to a point where the guys shut down the haunted house, did some traveling and then returned to do basically nothing except more drugs.
I came home one Friday night to a house that was overflowing with people and a fight happening in the front yard. Jesus, what the hell is this? While I was on the air, it seems a bunch of friends descended on the house and declared it the evening's destination. I literally could not open the front door due to having too many people in the house. Fuck, this was some serious shit. I decided to go to my room. Lock the door from the inside and just hibernate, knowing it will be any minute now the cops will be called.
It wasn't even a minute and apparently, it was their second visit of the night. As I opened the door to my room, someone had decided to use my bed as a "love connection." I turned on the light and said to the guy, "if you're not out of here in 5 seconds, I keep the girl and fuck her until she screams." "Too late," I said, I grabbed her and started to unbuckle my pants. They moved quickly. I was there from October to April and the last few weeks were pretty bizarre. I had my first revenge and anger fuck when I was there. One of Steve's girlfriends was very angry with him and I happened to be down the hall. I always liked her and thought she was too good for Steve, as Steve turned into being a dick due to an over abundance of drugs.
She knocked on the door and asked if I was busy, I was not then she just came out and said she was very mad at Steve and needed to take it out on someone. I was very flattered and I fulfilled her request. I was recently in touch with her and after all this time, I wanted to confirm we did have that night, as sometimes I look back thinking it was a dream, but no she did confirm we had a very nice time.
I thought so.
The end came right after the party. I may have been a night time rock and roll DJ on the most listened to radio station, but my mom did teach me some couth as we would say. I moved about six block away where a good guy record rep lived. He had a lot of house and just one guy. I took the one half of the house, he took the other.
The picture is of me...with a very prophetic Tshirt on. I really wasn't THAT high that night as it was Thanksgiving. Well, maybe.
Also in the picture is John Perucca, a good guy who has battled demons all his life and now seems to be winning. In addition is one of my favorite human beings ever. Nobody sweeter than Hattie. She was in high school when this picture was taken, but she had more common sense than all of us guys out together and I'd point out that she still does. Unfortunately, Steve took his life about 15 years ago.
That experience was like my cocaine experience. It stated out fun and stimulating and became a horror show. But, there were some fun times that happened there. Friends I still have today.
I told my stylist I wanted hair like Peter Frampton. I think she swung and missed.
Sure would like that waist line back
Stephen Byes
In 1985, i was pretty excited to move to St. Louis. My life was very good in KC. I was in love with a beautiful woman, my air shift was only three hours long. I got off in time to catch The Royals on most nights. There was only one radio station I would leave KC for an that was KSHE 95.
I will tell the story later, but suffice to say that my arrival in St. Louis was met with underwhelming response.
Friday, November 22, 2024
Radio Ga Ga
The Greatest What If?
Mrs. Dunsmore was the principal and she seemed to be a real bitch. It seemed she was devoid of any emotion. "Drink your milk" was her big advice “it’s only a pint.”
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Parsley and Sage Advice
6 life-changing lessons from the biggest studies on human happiness
If you are of a certain age and you're wondering how to disrupt the routine without getting disrupted, here's some sage words of advice for you.
I practice this as much as I can. I spend quality time with me when I want and need to.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Brush With Greatness 167
Kerry Livgren.
This was taken 14 years ago, when Shooting Star was being inducted into the Kansas Music Hall of Fame. Kerry was previously inducted with Kansas, of course, but came to the Shooting Star gala.
We didn't talk too much and I tried hard not to be a fan boy. I did tell him what his music meant to me and I thanked him for that.
He said thank you back and gave me a real nice warm handshake.
The First Time
True Love
Monday, November 18, 2024
Since I was a young boy of 5 or 6, I've had recurring dreams involving President Lincoln.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Hide In Your Shell
Mr. Hodgson, I presume?
For a few years before the Pandemic, Roger Hodgson would schedule two dates a year in St. Louis. They would sell out immediately. He did two dates a year for three years straight and I saw five of the six shows. To say he was great would be an understatement. When he walked out on stage, he would get a standing ovation. When he would finish each song, he would get a standing ovation. His band was sooo tight and his Supertramp songs were performed note for note. Even he would be surprised at the response to each tune he played. I think that's why he loved playing in St. Louis. KSHE sure helped fill those seat as they were very early believers in Supertramp. "Sister Moonshine," one of the "throwaway" songs of Supertramp was played regularly here. He was a very charming chap when I met him. Great conversationalist and a really good guy. This was taken November 13, 2016.
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
“There is no question that when they broke up, Paul missed John and John missed Paul. I actually think Paul would like to write material today like he used to write. But there is no one alive now that can give him that spur.... Yet, don't forget, as a twosome they wrote nearly 300 great songs. That's more than Cole Porter or Irving Berlin or Jerome Kern ever did. That's certainly more than enough for one lifetime.'' – George Martin
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Fortress of Solitude
When I was a young man and things troubled me, I would head to the comfort and security of my bedroom. Growing up as the son of an alcoholic left a number of scars.
One of them was the feeling of abandonment.
My mother was a special person. She was kind, sweet, very giving and very funny. The McNew side of the family has always tried to "outfunny" each other. My uncles had great senses of humor and by DNA or whatever that trait was passed on to my mom.
She was also an alcoholic. I remember being in Kansas City, calling home and when she picked up the phone, I knew she was hammered. I threatened to never come home until she quit drinking. She hung up on me. It got worse as life went on. She started with Miller High Life and graduated to whiskey. She would drive like that. This was the time when an officer caught you drinking, you were given a ride home. She would be embarrassed but it would not stop her. More than a few time, the police would knock on the door and one of us had to ride with the cop and bring the car home.
I adored her. I still do and admire her knowing what kind of life she was exposed to as a child. I know she was physically abused and probably sexually abused, too. She had demons from her youth she just couldn't overcome. Smoking and drinking killed her at 62. I'm surprised she lasted that long. A very flawed but wonderful woman.
Growing up, she was there as much as possible, but coming home from school and trying to discuss my day, she would look at me and she just wasn't there. It just got to the point where I could tell whether I should talk to her that day or not right away. If not, I'd swallow whatever I had to say and head to my bedroom. It was at that time, my fortress of solitude. A place where I could go and find solace in music. I'd close the door and play DJ on my little cassette recorder or just listen to the radio while doing my homework, reading comic books or just listening to music. I'd burn some incense. At first, mom thought it was pot :)
It was comfortable and reassuring. I know then I would dream my bedroom was my house and no one could get me there. I was safe from the outside world. Sometimes, the outside world was cold and mean and unforgiving to a lonely high school kid.
Not in my bedroom. It was safe.
I have the same set up now. The house is the Fortress of Solitude, but in my room now, I'm safe and secure. No one can hurt me here. I have the same brand of incense and I'm even listening to the same music. It's comforting and soothing.
So, here I am, with Poutchuli and Musk incense, listening to Elton John and knowing for now, I'm alright. I can't say how 'll be when I leave here, but for right now, I'm safe.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Our House is a very fine house
Joni Mitchell and Graham Nash at Peter Tork's house on August 7th 1969 less than 2 weeks before Woodstock. Joni was supposed to go to Woodstock but didn't on the advice of her manger David Geffen because she had to appear on the Dick Cavett Show.
Monday, November 11, 2024
There's No Substitute For Red
The way we played yesterday will not get us past Buffalo.
Four sacks, no D line rushing, gotta be better than this, boys, but still undefeated
Electric Blue
Sunday, November 10, 2024
Friday, November 08, 2024
Five Years Ago Today
Thursday, November 07, 2024
Welcome Back
It looks like this is where I'm going to park my stuff for the time being.
For some reason, people keep wanting me to write a book. This is probably the closest thing to it I will get. Here's the thought on not writing a book. I know I have a lot of friends, but I honestly don't think there are enough of them to even begin.
The publishers would want a large pre order. When I thought about putting together a podcast while working for Cumulus, I was told I had to have at least 5,000 followers.
That's about as far as the conversation went.
So, I will post here my thoughts and feelings about what's happening in my head and at this point, my head is NOT right. Since Tuesday, I have felt this overwhelming dread of the future. I know what's in store and the people who voted for Trump are thinking what he does will not affect them. What he does will affect everyone. His tariffs will raise prices on EVRYTHING. I find it so overwhelming we voted in a person who doesn't understand what tariffs do. He is the dumbest man ever to run for President.
For some reason, I feel I must apologize to my ancestors and thank them for saving us from fascism. They only delayed it by 70 or so years, but I appreciate the sacrifice they put in to fight a war against Hitler and Japan. If war break out in Europe (Trump had given Putin the green light), I'm afraid we will be fighting with the fascists and not against them
I love history, it's what I studied in high school and college. Somewhere in the last 40 years or so, the basic tenets of government were not taught. I feel this started with Ronald Reagan. Whatever the reason, we have the dumbest electorate making decisions for the rest of us. Now, instead of people working in Washington to lift us up, we know have people in place to blow the whole democracy to shreds.
I can't go any further though but to thank Rush Limbaugh for his 30 years of calling liberals, "the greatest threat to democracy. " I believe his words were..."Russia and China are not our enemies. the true enemy of the people are liberals. They are the biggest threat to this country." So, after two generations of yelling fire in a crowded theatre (and no one doing anything about it,) here we are.
I have very little faith we will be free again in my lifetime. Trump and his cronies will jury rig the system and our elections will be the puppet Putin kind where we will know who won even before the vote. I always thought this country was better than that, but apparently, not so.
But here's one thing to consider, Trumps' bullshit will affect his supporters too. When the tariffs go into effect, jobs will be lost and wages will stagnate while the price of everything will skyrocket. It will effect them in ways they don't even know about.
Our attorney generals and law enforcement have let us down. Why was Trump not tried for the insurrection? Why wasn't a more vigorous pursuit made concerning the constant law breaking Trump did? Why did this country allow him to get away with it? Easy. We're lazy and dumb. He should not have been allowed to run, he should have been in jail.
It doesn't matter now. This democracy is no more. It's over. Almost 250 years and with one election...poof! Everything we worked hard for is gone. There are no rails into what Trump can do. I hope the damage spares you and me and the people we love. The next four years will be hell, and if Trump has his way, he will sow mass destruction. It's who he is. Everything Donald Trump touches dies. Every last one of them. Including, I'm afraid, this country.
So here we are, Steve Bannon warned of Roman justice where it is acceptable for one part of the country to rule over the others. He has basically said he wants to prosecute those who speak ill of him and Trump. You can be sure, they can and will.
Sorry for the bad vibes, but now they are out, I will try and find some more decent and nice things to talk about.
See ya next time.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Monday, December 28, 2020
Growin Up
A lot of people I know are sharing this story about Bruce and how he's growing older. It is an excellent read. Written by David Brooks.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Life During Wartime
Wow. Really? You're going to Kansas City? Wait. What? Where?
Wait, had we discussed this? We hadn't yet, I knew we hadn't progressed that far in a relationship where anything was taken for granted. It was an unspoken communication between us, the question would never be asked because I knew what the answer was.
Damn. Hatches batted down. T minus one day and counting.
All of the things on Mary's list had been crossed off.
It was Sunday morning, the UHaul is loaded, I've said my goodbyes. I grew some ditch weed and I had a garbage bag filled with joints the size of cigars. This was a six hour drive and I needed something, anything to dull the pain I felt that day. Don't get me wrong, I knew where I was going but the last train stop hurt as Mary stood me up on our last meeting.
“Sweet devotion (Goodbye, Mary)
It's not for me (Goodbye, Jane)
Just give me motion (Will we ever)
To set me free (Meet again?)
In the land and the ocean (Feel no sorrow)
Far away (Feel no shame)
It's the life I've chosen (Come tomorrow)
Every day (Feel no pain)
So goodbye, Mary (Goodbye, Mary)
Goodbye, Jane (Goodbye, Jane)
Will we ever (Will we ever)
Meet again? (Meet again?)"
to be continued...

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- ► 09/18 - 09/25 (3)
- ► 09/11 - 09/18 (6)
- ► 09/04 - 09/11 (7)
- ► 08/28 - 09/04 (2)
- ► 08/21 - 08/28 (8)
- ► 08/14 - 08/21 (10)
- ► 08/07 - 08/14 (5)
- ► 07/31 - 08/07 (7)
- ► 07/24 - 07/31 (9)
- ► 07/17 - 07/24 (12)
- ► 07/10 - 07/17 (4)
- ► 05/22 - 05/29 (1)