Thursday, January 31, 2008


I have never understood how this guy got to be where he is. It must be an east coast thing.


rusheddoc said...

Pretty hilarious. Never liked Berman much. I find it funny that he appears to be looking directly at the camera 90% of the time...and doesn't comment on red "recording" light being on...I wonder how much this cameraman got paid to pass this tape/disc along...enough to stave off hunger in the unemployment line?!

Brian Holland said...

Man, that is so reminiscent of Casey Kasem's infamous AT40 blowup tape that made the rounds back in the '80s. "Ponderous, f-ing ponderous!"

I used to love Berman, but his act has gotten really stale in recent years, and based on what I've read about him, that video is not an isolated incident.

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