Monday, June 04, 2007

Well, This Oughtta Be Fun

I are now a college student...again. I found out that the work I did back in 1984 doesn't count anymore...damn! So, I guess I had better get going. I am taking a telecourse in Biology. The course is on the public TV station here at 4:30am on Tuesday morning. Thank God for Tivo, huh? I will let you know the progress. Next semester, Psychology and an Astromony lab.

PS. I have two books for a telecourse and they were WAY over a hundred bucks. What a racket!!


Max said...

You taking these through the community college Randy? Cause if you are, the tapes are available in the campus libraries should your Tivo have a problem :).


Chicago Socialista said...

Look for textbooks on and Sometimes, you can get the books you need much cheaper than retail.

Good luck with the class, Randy. I won't go back, if I can help it. ;)


bluesapphire1960 said...

Good for you and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

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