Thursday, September 14, 2006

Religions...this is so true

The kindergarten teacher asked the students in her class to
bring something related to their families' religions to
class the next day.

She asked for volunteers to show what they had brought to
the rest of the class. One boy came forward and said, "I am
Muslim, and this is my prayer rug."

Another child came forward and said, "I am Jewish, and this
is my Star of David."

Another came forward and said, "I am Catholic, and this is
my Rosary."

The last little boy came forward and said, "I am Southern
Baptist, and this is my Covered Dish."


Anonymous said...

You know unc, that was funny.

karlene's mom said...

Green Bean Casserole. Yummy.

Methodists in KS are fond of the covered dish as well. :-)

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