Friday, September 02, 2005

It's Been One Of Those Weeks

Not a good week at the Raley ranch. I think that I have been witnessing "Katrina overload". It is horrifying to see what has happened there. Whatever your political persuations, this is a country consisting all of us. The government (local, state and national) have let those people down. New Orleans has never been a city that was noted for it's easiness to navigate by car, so a lot of those people didn't have one. A lot of them couldn't get out. They are stuck. It is just really deflating to see that our priorities are elsewhere and not in taking care of our own. In the beatitudes, it talks about "...blessed are the poor, blessed are the meek, blessed are the peacemakers.." and funny, that's not what this country is about. This country has turned into "I got mine, screw you if you don't." I hope we wake up. I found out earlier that my brother in laws partner has lymphoma. I am saddened. These guys have been together longer than anyone else in the family. (some threat to marriage, huh?). He is a wonderful man and I am praying very hard for him to be OK. I wrecked my car in KC on Wednesday night at an intersection that I have been through 100 times. It's a dangerous interesection and I should have known better. The girl that hit me is 19 and she was frightened. She reminded me of my own daughter. So, for the last two days, I have been dealing with wrecking a car in one city and living in another. Not fun. But, at least I don't live in New Orleans.

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